www.ud-elements.ie Review:



United Drug | Elements | Welcome - United Drug is a dynamic, leading international healthcare services company. Elements is an easy and useful online ordering service which is linked directly to our internal warehouse for a swift turnaround delivery upon placing your order.

Country:, Europe, IE

City: -6.5436 Co Kildare, Ireland

  • Abqbutterfly - Works great and love the price!

    I just ordered my 4th one of these. Mine have worked just as well as the HP ones which cost four times as much. I was nervous about buying a generic, remanufactured toner cartridge but I'll never go back to name brand toner. This one comes packaged like a brand new, name brand toner cartridge. Give it a try!

  • AlwaysShopping - Worst Acid Reflux Ever!

    I bought this product in hopes of improving my overall intestinal health. I take antibiotics daily for the treatment of VERY stubborn acne. Acne is gone, but I worry about the havoc the constant antibiotics may be causing on my insides.

  • Derek in Nevada - Very effective adhesive remover, easy to use

    I used this to remove the adhesive that was holding the side molding on my car. Simply spray the remover every 10 to 20 seconds to keep the adhesive wet and in about 1 minute it wiped away. Still took a little rubbing, but NO damage or discoloration to the paint and complete removal of the adhesive. I had already tried standard cleaners and acetone, and the 3M material was the clear winner.

  • Squalleye - taking forever to fix bugs

    there is a distinct bug in the shareholders salaries area that has been on the user forums for over two weeks, but turbo tax has not fixed yet. something like this happens every year. many things work well, but you always need to override some stuff that just does not behave correctly. relying on this program to get yours taxes correct is risky if you do not know the tax law on your own.

  • missthang - Idol Lash was such a waste of time and money

    DOES NOT WORK...used for three months every day and night...Nothing. I will stick to "Loreal" double extend eyelash....At least I have lashes after 2 1/2 weeks. Idol Lash was such a waste of time and money!

  • Sarina - I love Just Dance and we buy them every year for ...

    I love Just Dance and we buy them every year for each one that comes out. But the 2016 version is the least of my favorite, Im not liking the whole subscription deal. I'm not going to pay monthly just to dance to a game. Since we have young children that play this (8-13) it is pretty difficult for them to start a game because of all the different tabs and menus and things like that. We hardly even play the game, only when family is around and thats only twice or three times a month! Xbox Live is already enough.