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  • Amazon Customer - Sucks! Since I started taking the Slow Flow capsules ...

    This product has helped me a lot. Over the last four years Ive been dealing with adenomyosis and uterine fibroids. The heavy bleeding and clots caused me to have so much pain for 3 days at a time along with vomiting bile about 12-25x. Sucks! Since I started taking the Slow Flow capsules for about 7 weeks, the vomiting has stopped and the pain ranges at a 6 instead of 10. I'm still a work in progress but I'll definitely keep up with Slow Flow and maybe some of Vitanica's other products.

  • conrailguy - MSA 30 X

    Don't waste your money. the MSA 30x is absolutely worthless. You get nothing but background noise. And, to top it all off,they sent me 2 of these worthless things and billed my credit card $47.

  • ernest napolitano - GREAT TOOLS, EASY USE - A FINE PHOTO / IMAGE EDITOR -

    Well, it's not Adobe Photoshop but it's a darn good editor (I only use the edit function, not the organizer, etc). It has a very good

  • Amazon Customer - Not as good as I hoped.

    This compuer is pretty slow. Loses connection with wlan. Was able to gain some speed by deleting McAfee. NOTE: You cannot do this: Memory:: (Memory RAM Expandable To 8 GB) . No. The RAM is built in. There is no expansion slot.

  • Susan Barney - Hooked me right away! Great story, great acting!

    This is one of the best series I have watched both online and on TV. It hooked me in the first five minutes and I've binge watched the first 5 so far in the past 24 hours. It is about a down-and-out lawyer who used to be one of the best. He and his partner created what is now one of the three largest legal firms in the world. But something happened (see episode 4 or 5 for the answer) and he lost his life due to spiraling into the hole we see him in now, where he makes his living as a public defender and drinks a lot, while living in a one-star motel somewhere in southern California. Something wakes him up when he discovers one of his former defense contractor clients -- which is still a client of his old law firm -- may have murdered an employee to cover up engaging in possible war crimes. He "wakes up" and decides he wants to take on the big bad guys -- David vs Goliath -- both to turn his life around for his daughter, and to help the sister of the now-deceased defense contractor employee. Complicating matters is the fact that his former partner, who heads the firm they started up together, has a vendetta against him and wants him to stay down and out.

  • Chris - Eh...

    My daughter received a leap pad for Christmas and she absolutely loves it. I think it's a lot of fun too, but there are a few things that I would warn other parents about before they decide to invest in one of these.