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Zealots Consulting Inc. Executive Search - Executive IT Recruitment & Leadership Development - Zealots Consulting Inc. Executive Search helps companies find highly skilled resources by shortening the time to fill ratio by utilizing Mr. Tang's unique blend of information technology and intuitive human resources skills to fill roles often deemed very difficult to place and retain.

Country:, North America, US

City: -71.2047 Massachusetts, United States

  • Lisa DeRosa - Love love Lucy!

    What a lovely story about the people behind the funny couple I grew up watching with my mom. Enjoyable read and smoothly written.

  • A. Jordan - I love this vacum

    I don't understand other people's complaints but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, based on their experience. My 20-year experience with Hoovers has been great. I have had this stick vac for 3 weeks and I use it every day on my hardwood floors and bathroom rugs. It picks up a lot of dog hair, dirt and dust. The battery lasts just fine for a stick vac. It also manuevers very easily. It is a stick vac, not a heavy duty machine. It does what it is supposed to do and it is a pleasure to use.

  • Chelsea Purcell - well worth the price

    Longer length, tougher, and a very good price. Far better than the lead supplied with iPad. Can recommend this lead, that charges my phone (1A) and my Samsung tablet (2.1A) at the same time from one outlet

  • Shopper - You can purchase a BIG bag of yellow microfiber cloths at Costco or Sams and they are bigger and better than these knockoffs

    These are not actual Norwex brand Enviro cloths. You can purchase a BIG bag of yellow microfiber cloths at Costco or Sams and they are bigger and better than these knockoffs.